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James Bond Wiki
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Harris is a character in the 1985 film A View to a Kill.


Harris is a police officer in San Francisco. When the government building was set on fire, the police and firefighters responded and as soon as James Bond and Stacey Sutton were rescued, he questions them about the fire and informed them that Bond's CIA contact is dead and later asks Bond about the gun used to kill Stacey's former boss. Saying that it is his, the captain mistook it for a confession and attempted to arrest him. When he was told Bond is MI6, he disbelieved it and still tried to arrest him, but Bond uses a fire hose to subdue him. Bond and Stacey soon get in the fire truck and drive off with the police pursuing them. When the police captain asked the bridge controller to open the bridge Bond and Stacey jumped outside in the good time. But the police cars are sticked up and later fall and crashed each other. Than the police captain upbraid Harris to forget about the sergeant promotion. And he will pay for his car 100 bucks a month out of his paycheck. But than the bridge controller accidentally crush the captain's car. Harris and the other officers laughing that situation.
